Invitation to Host WC2031

Dear Colleagues,

The IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering is the triennial event of the IOMP and IFMBE. Previous such IUPESM World Congresses have solidified the unifying concepts of the physical and engineering sciences in medicine. As a matter of interest, previous World Congresses had been held successfully around the world, the following shows the location and size of attendance:

Year of Congress





Restricted due to COVID-19 pandemic


Prague. Czech Republic



Toronto, Canada



Beijing. China



Munich, Germany



Seoul. South Korea



Sydney. Australia



Chicago, USA



Nice. France



Rio de Janiero. Brazil



Kyoto, Japan



San Antonio. USA


The next two World Congresses Australia 2025 and in Mexico 2028 will continue to strengthen the co-operation within IUPESM.

At this time, the IUPESM Congress Coordinating Committee (CCC) invites interested member societies to submit a “Letter of Interest in Hosting the IUPESM 2031 World Congress” and return it to Professor Magdalena Stoeva, Secretary General of IUPESM at: sg.iupesm@gmail.com

The deadline for receipt of this “Letter of Interest” is 10 January 2025.

Upon receipt of the letter of interest we shall place your country on the list of applicants to host the IUPESM 2031 World Congress. The next step is to submit a complete electronic application to organize the IUPESM 2031 World Congress to Professor Stoeva through an online form located at https://forms.gle/xBCCMbqBQ8SQSVz8A. Note that applications to host the World Congress must represent both the biomedical engineering and the medical physics Member Societies of good standing from the host country, i.e., nations with only one of these two constituent societies in IOMP and IFMBE are not eligible to host an IUPESM World Congress.

The deadline to submit a complete proposal is 10 March 2025.

The IUPESM Administrative Council appreciates the amount of work associated with planning, preparation, management and financing of a World Congress, and as such “smaller Member Societies” may find this a daunting task. With this in mind, IUPESM is prepared to offer support if required. Such support could be in the form of IUPESM organization of the scientific program, help in preparation and running of the Congress, proactive financial support and/or other assistance as requested. Alternatively, groupings of Member Societies may wish to consider submission of collaborative bids to share the extent of the workload. The level of support, if needed, will be negotiated between the host country and the IUPESM Congress Coordinating Committee prior to the selection voting process in WC 2025 Adelaide, Australia. The written procedures for the selection of the World Congress site are enclosed.

The CCC eagerly awaits your letter of interest and stands prepared to assist you in preparing a proposal that clearly highlights the advantages and potential of your setting for the triennial IUPESM World Congress.

Best wishes,

Madan Rehani, PhD
President, IUPESM



XXVII IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2025)

29 September - 4 April 2025, Adelaide Convention Centre, Australia

We invite you to join us for the IUPESM World Congress 2025. The Congress will bring together researchers who are leading international efforts to shape the future of medical physics and biomedical engineering.

Mark your calendars for one of the largest gatherings of medical physicists and biomedical engineers in the world.

For more information, please visit www.wc2025.org


IUPESM 2025 Postcard

IUPESM 2025 Flyer

WC2025 Q&A with Prof Eva Bezak, Convenor, Medical Physics

Welcome message from Prof Ratko MagjarevićPresident, IFMBE

Welcome message from Prof John DamilakisPresident, IOMP

XXVI IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2022)

12 - 17 June 2022, Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapore

The Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore) and the Society of Medical Physicists (Singapore) are proud to be co-organising the IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2022 (IUPESM WC2022).

IUPESM WC2022 is the world’s leading forum for presenting the scientific results and major innovations in health-related technologies to the global medical physics and biomedical engineering fraternity.

This event will be held for the first time in Southeast Asia from 12 – 17 June 2022 at the Sands Expo® and Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands.

Mark your calendars for one of the largest gatherings of medical physicists and biomedical engineers in the world.

For more information, please visit www.iupesm.org/wc2022.

Key Themes and Topics


A: Accreditation and Certification

B: Advanced Technologies in Medical Physics

C: Bio-Micro/Nanotechnologies

D: Bioelectronics and Electroceuticals

E: Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation

F: Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine

G: Biomechanics and Mechanobiology

H: Biorobotics and Medical Devices

I: Computational Modelling and Simulation

J: Diagnostic Radiology Physics

K: Engineering/Synthetic Biology

L: Healthcare Analytics, Big Data and AI

M: Innovations Against COVID-19 and Other Human Diseases

N: Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering Education, Training and Professional Development

O: Multidisciplinary Medical Physics

P: Neuroengineering/Neurotechnology

Q: Nuclear Medicine, Bioimaging Physics and Biosignals

R: Patient Safety and Radiation Protection (General)

S: Radiation Dosimetry

T: Radiation Therapy Physics

Key Dates



June 2021

Abstract Submission Opens

August 2021

Registration Opens

December 2021

Abstract Submission Deadline

Establish your presence in the medical physics and biomedical engineering fraternity

Download Sponsorship Prospectus: A comprehensive range of support and exhibition opportunities are available. Please download the IUPESM WC2022 Sponsorship Prospectus to find out more.

Tailored Opportunities: Customised packages can be arranged to suit your objectives. Please feel free to write to us at info@wc2022.org to get involved.

XXV IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2018)

3 - 8 June 2018, Prague, Czech Republic

Welcome letter

Dear colleagues,

It is a great pleasure and honour for The Czech Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Informatics and for the Czech Association of Medical Physicists to be the host societies and organizers of the 2018 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. The Congress will be held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, in the beginning of June 2018. The Congress is represented by the Congress Organizing Committee (COC) and is organized in a close collaboration with the international societies IUPESM, IFMBE and IOMP represented by the Congress Coordinating Committee (CCC).

XXIV IUPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC2015)

7 - 12 June 2015, Toronto, Canada
No photo description available.
The IUPESM World Congress (WC) on Medical Physics (MP) and Biomedical Engineering (BME) comes but once every three years. WC2015 will be in Toronto from June 7-12. This WC will be the largest gathering of MPs and BMEs from 86 countries. In looking at the content of the meeting, it occurs to me that this is truly a unique opportunity to discuss important Global issues, e.g., Global Health, Food and Water Safety, Environmental toxins, Personalized Medicine, Brain-Machine interfaces, Education and Outreach, etc. When together, we will be able to discuss the Global Challenges we face now and those our children will face. We are working with WHO to address many of these issues. Do you want to work with WHO? In addition to WHO, we collaborate with other international organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in improving global health and safety in medicine. I am therefore calling for new abstract and paper submissions to WC2015 that will be aligned with our 19 Scientific Program tracks, but, in addition will address the Global Challenges within these tracks. In addition, I am looking for novel models of BME and MP academic and training programs. I am also looking for novel Outreach programs. Your abstracts and papers will receive the same peer review and accepted full papers will be published in the same World Congress Proceedings.

Past Congresses

XI 1976 Ottawa, Canada

XII 1979 Jerusalem, Israel

XIII 1982 Hamburg, Germany

XIV 1985 Helsinki, Finland

XV 1988 San Antonio, U.S.A.

XVI 1991 Kyoto, Japan

XVII 1994 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

XVIII 1997 Nice, France

XIX 2000 Chicago, U.S.A.

XX 2003 Sydney, Australia

XXI 2006 Seoul, Korea

XXII 2009 Munich, Germany

XXIII 2012 Beijing, China