WHO Medical Devices Newsletter
January 2020
Dear colleagues
As the new year begins, first we want to thank all your collaboration to the medical devices and related areas and we look forward to continue working with you with the goal of increasing access to good quality medical devices that are affordable, available, appropriate, and used safely for the wellbeing of patients around the world.
Second, we want to wish you a healthy , joyful and prosperous 2020 for you and your families.
May we keep working together to have the right technology to diagnose early and treat effectively all patients in need, regardless of where they are .
Please find below the January 2020 news:
1. The Health for all film festival
“Film has the unique ability to make us feel. To make us laugh, cry and think. Through the creation of compelling human-interest stories, filmmakers have the potential to influence health and catalyze change. Films are a powerful way to raise awareness, improve understanding and encourage action. That’s why in May 2020, on the occasion of the 73rd World Health Assembly, WHO will host the first-ever Health for All Film Festival in Geneva.
Whether you are an amateur filmmaker seeking to tell the story of change-makers in your community through the lens of your smartphone or you’re working with a production company to promote dialogue around global health challenges and solutions, WHO wants to see your story. The Health for All Film Festival aims to put storytelling power in the hands of people and seeks to showcase the role of individuals and communities as champions for health and well-being.
Only films completed between 1 January 2017 and 30 January 2020 are eligible for this festival. Closing date for entries is 30 January 2020. More information : https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2019/10/24/default-calendar/the-health-for-all-film-festival
2. Consultations still open:
2.1 Information to Update Country profiles – Global atlas of medical devices
Global Atlas of medical devices book provides the global, regional and country data particularly on the availability of specific medical devices, policies, guidelines, standards and services.
Related links:
– WHO Global Atlas of medical devices , 2017 [pdf, 11.63mb]
– Country profiles – Medical devices regulatory systems at country level
– Global Health Observatory (GHO) interactive maps on medical devices
– Global health observatory, data repository
Action requested:
We kindly request your help to bring-up-to-date the figures of each country. Each request for edition needs to be sent to [email protected].
2.2 Information to know about the need and use of nomenclature for medical devices
If you use naming , classification, coding, nomenclature of any kind of medical devices including in vitro diagnostics, WHO will welcome your input in the following SURVEY.
2.3 Technical specifications for procurement of assistive technologies
. The consultation opens until 12th January 2020. https://www.who.int/phi/implementation/assistive_technology/aps_open_consultation/en/
3. Mark your calendars for 2020:
2020 year of the nurse and midwife: https://www.who.int/campaigns/year-of-the-nurse-and-the-midwife-2020
WHO global health days: https://www.who.int/campaigns
World hearing day 2020: Hearing for life https://www.who.int/news-room/events/detail/2020/03/03/default-calendar/world-hearing-day-2020-hearing-for-life
Call for Proposals to host the 5th WHO Global Forum on Medical Devices Now It is now time to start the preparations for the 5th WHO Global Forum, to be hosted in the 2nd semester of 2020.
If interested, the National Ministry of Health of a Member State is much welcome to present a proposal.
- Dates:
- Application to be submitted before 1st March 2020
- Selection of Host for 5th GFMD- April 2020
- Date of initiation of work – May 2020
- Characteristics of Venue:
- Auditorium to host plenary sessions for 1500 participants and room for 5 parallel sessions.
- Media and telecommunications facilities, audiovisual equipment.
- Access to food, beverages for coffee breaks and lunch facilities in the venue.
- Located in city with international airport access and nearby hotels of 3, 4 and 5 stars.
- Local organizing committee
4. Publications released in 2019:
4.1 Report of the 4th Global Forum on medical devices https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/312154/WHO-MVP-EMP-2019.04-eng.pdf?ua=1
4.2 Technical specifications and guidance for oxygen therapy devices https://www.who.int/medical_devices/publications/tech_specs_oxygen_therapy_devices/en/
4.3 Decommissioning Medical Devices https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/330095/9789241517041-eng.pdf
4.4. First WHO Model List of Essential In Vitro Diagnostics https://www.who.int/medical_devices/publications/First_WHO_Model_List_of_Essential_In_Vitro_Diagnostics/en/
4.5 Second model List of Essential in vitro diagnostics https://www.who.int/medical_devices/publications/TRS_1022_SAGE_IVD_Second_WML_of_Essential_In_Vitro_Diagnostics/en/
4.6 Standardization of nomenclature of medical devices http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/EB145/B145_3-en.pdf?ua=1 ( will be discussed again in the Executive Board 147, May 2020)
Best wishes for 2020!!