Current challenges of patient re-irradiation
WORKSHOP 6-7 September 2018, Stockholm, Sweden Organisers Iuliana Toma-Dasu Andrzej Wojcik Lovisa Lundholm Mattias Hedman…
Continue ReadingWORKSHOP 6-7 September 2018, Stockholm, Sweden Organisers Iuliana Toma-Dasu Andrzej Wojcik Lovisa Lundholm Mattias Hedman…
Continue Reading3-7 December 2018, Vienna, Austria The IAEA will convene an international conference during the week…
Continue Reading18–21 June 2019, Vienna, Austria The purpose of the symposium is to provide a forum…
Continue ReadingThe 56th SAAPMB Congress and School will be held from 22-26 October 2018 at the…
Continue ReadingDear Friends and Colleagues, It is with great pleasure we invite you to join the…
Continue ReadingFollowing the recent nominations and votes of the Awards and Honours Committee, IOMP is happy…
Continue ReadingGirls and Medical Physics: It is time to prepare them for the future! IOMP women…
Continue ReadingThis meeting seeks to provide solutions for the practical problems in radiation protection in a…
Continue ReadingIFMBE President 2009 – 2012 IUPESM President 2012 – 2015 Professor Herbert Frederick Voigt III,…
Continue ReadingWelcome to EPSM 2018 Adelaide awaits you The Organising Committee takes great pleasure in inviting…
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