Bangladesh Medical Physics Association (BMPA) organised 4th Webinar on December 8, 2020
We are delighted to declare the 4th webinar on“Plan Class Specific Reference QA of LINAC…
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Joint ICTP-IAEA Workshop on Risk Assessment in Advanced Radiotherapy Techniques
The workshop aims to enhance knowledge on performing retrospective and prospective risk analysis and managing…
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COMP Events
Past 6 months: July 12 – 16 2020: AAPM/COMP Virtual Scientific Meeting July 16, 2020…
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COMP-OCMP International Day of Medical Physics 2020
This year the Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists (COMP) celebrated the International Day of Medical…
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Algeria celebrates IDMP 2020
Second Day of Medical Physics The event was held at the university of El-Oued, Algeria,…
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Nepal celebrates IDMP 2020
IDMP Program by Nepalese Association of Medical Physicist (NAMP) This year International Day of Medical…
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IOMP Webinar 17: Publishing in medical physics journals – Recording available online
IOMP School Webinars 2020
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IDMP 2020 in Melbourne
IDMP Down Under in Melbourne IDMP is a big event and a group of medical…
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