Chai Hong Yeong, PhD
Committee member and coordinator IOMP Newsletter

Collation of pictures and videos related to medical physicists contribution in Covid-19 pandemic
As we are undergoing the worst ever global pandemic with devastating consequences on healthcare system throughout the world, communities are rallying together to support the healthcare services and people most affected by this crisis. Each of us has been playing our role, no matter how small, in our own humble and modest way.
IOMP will like to collect pictures and/or videos that show your involvement as a medical physicist working alone or with others in this battle. It could be a picture of yourself in the hospital/lab environment. It could also be a picture of the CT scanner/X-ray machine with protective cover. We will like to seek messages that create motivation among others to come forward and contribute.
We will collate your contributions from around the globe, and with include them on IOMP COVID-19 page.
Please upload your files via this link:
If you have any question, please email to Chai Hong Yeong: [email protected].
Thank you for your participation in this project.