IUPESM Fellowships Awards (Announcement 2025)

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In addition to its own awards program, the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) also participates in the IUPESM awards program. IUPESM Fellowship is an honor used to recognize significant activities of colleagues for international development supporting the Union of  medical physicists and biomedical engineers. IUPESM Fellowship will be awarded by the IUPESM to colleagues  who have made outstanding contributions to IUPESM and its member organisations IOMP and IFMBE. The Fellowship consists of a certificate and a pin, and it bestows the right to use the designation FIUPESM after the names of the awardees. The Fellowship is not associated with a financial reward. The list of new awardees of the IUPESM Fellowship along with their citations will be published in an issue of the IUPESM Journal, “ Health and Technology,”  and posted on the IUPESM website. The IUPESM Fellowships will generally be given at the designated Award Ceremony during the IUPESM World Congress or other major international activities associated with IUPESM.

The nominations of the candidates for consideration to the IUPESM Fellowship are sought. from the IUPESM Administrative Council which includes the Officers of IUPESM, IOMP, and IFMBE, and the Committee Chairs/Members of IUPESM, and submitted to the Chair of the IUPESM Awards Committee for review and assessment by the members of the IUPESM Awards Committee members.  Self-nominations are not allowed. The nomination should include a brief cover letter of support from the Nominator, a brief CV of the Nominee (2 pages maximum), a statement outlining the contributions and services the nominee has made to IUPESM and both professions (medical physics and biomedical engineering, served by IOMP and IFMBE), and any other supporting documentation deemed appropriate.

Please submit the Nomination by April 2, 2025, using the attached form to the IUPESM Awards Committee at [email protected].

Deadline: 2 April 2025