The International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) is pleased to announce the IUPAP Young Scientist Award 2016. This award is established and funded by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and awarded by the IOMP as the IUPAP affiliated International Commission for Medical Physics. It will be presented at the 22nd International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP 2016) held on December 9 – 12, 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Award will be EUR 1000 – plus an IUPAP medal* and an IOMP certificate. A short Biography of the Awardee will be published in Medical Physics World.
Criteria for selection:
• The recipient of the award should be under 40 years and have completed at least 5 years of research and development in medical physics.
• The recipient should have performed original and/or applied work of outstanding scientific quality in medical physics. The committee may consider the achievements in the context of opportunity.
• The award may only be received one time by any individual
Nominating Procedure
• The award will be advertised by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) on the organization’s website:
• Self-nomination will not be considered.
• Nominations can be made to the Chair of the IOMP Awards and Honors Committee (AHC) by IOMP National Member Organizations (NMO) or individuals through their NMO. Where this is not possible applications should be made directly to the Chair of the AHC. They should include the following:
1. A letter of not more than 1,000 words evaluating nominee’s achievements and identifying the specific work to be recognized.
2. A Curriculum Vita including publications during the last years.
The closing date for nominations is noon (EST) on 29th July 2016. Nominations should be sent to Dr Simone Kodlulovich Renha at [email protected]. Submissions should be in the form of: MS Word or PDF document. Nominations will be acknowledged by e-mail. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within 72 hours please contact Dr Simone or the Secretary General of the IOMP [email protected].
The winner will be announced in September 2016.
* The Award does not include travel or conference expense for the recipient.