John Damilakis, Vice President, IOMP

Magdalena Stoeva, Chair MPWB, IOMP

Short report of IMPW2020 webinars
The ‘IOMP School’ organized this year a series of webinars to celebrate the International Medical Physics Week (IMPW) and connect experts with learners ensuring continuity in education and training activities. Five internationally renowned speakers presented topics on CT dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulation in proton therapy, management of radiotherapy patients with implanted cardiac devices, X-ray breast imaging and radionuclide therapy. It was a very successful event, thanks to the very high and enthusiastic participation of colleagues from all over the world. All webinars were very interactive with a question and answer session following each talk. IOMP decided to upload all webinars at giving the flexibility to all colleagues to watch the webinar free-of-charge whenever they wish. To provide continuous support to its members, IOMP developed a custom automated solution integrating the most advanced features of leading CMS, mailing and webcast platforms. After the successful launch of its IMPW webinar series, IOMP has decided to organize more webinars in the near future to cover more topics. Stay tuned!