IOMP School on IMPW 2020 – Day 5

Radionuclide therapy patients in public: the original social distancing

Nicholas Forwood
Senior Medical Physics Specialist/Radiation Safety Officer at Concord Repatriation General Hospital

Friday, May 15, 2020

14:00-15:00 Central European Time (Amsterdam, Rome, Vienna)


As the world discovers the practicalities of social distancing, it is an opportune time to review the practice of isolation of nuclear medicine therapy patients. This presentation will examine the various regulatory requirements across the globe and the assumptions which underpin them. The collection of studies which have made empirical measurements of radiation exposure will be presented in detail. Finally, the role of the physicist, as an expert in broad aspects of radiation dosimetry will be highlighted. At the end of the presentation the audience will be adequately informed to begin an individualized system of advising patients on how to minimise radiation exposure to the public after radionuclide therapy.


Nicholas Forwood
Senior Medical Physics Specialist/Radiation Safety Officer at Concord Repatriation General Hospital
Download CV


Dr. Ibrahim Duhaini
Treasurer IOMP

Chief Medical Physicist & RSO
Rak Hariri University Hospital
MP Instructor at the Lebanese University
Beirut – Lebanon