Madan Rehani, PhD
President, IOMP

Artificial Intelligence in medical physics webinars, IMPW webinars, COVID-19 issues, and IDMP
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have been making major inroads in all branches of medicine and medical physicists are bracing with these developments and are utilizing some of the new tools using AI and ML that have already become available. Some medical physicists are involved in developing solutions that use AI and ML. IOMP School is going to have a series of webinars on this topic in continuation of recent webinars organized during the International Medical Physics Week (IMPW).
The first webinar in this series is scheduled for 23rd June 2020 at 12 noon GMT.
You may already have received information about other two webinars. The webinar series during IMPW2020 was a great success with 450 to 680 attendees in any webinar during that week. The interaction through question- answer was excellent and there was very good feedback from participants.
COVID-19 has occupied our lives more than anything and if we estimate the collective time we all have devoted to COVID-19, whether in gathering information at our personal level or handling issues in our professional capacities, it is unthinkable that the whole world is devoted to a single topic. We continue to have significant coverage of COVID-articles in this issue of Newsletter. We also provide information about the FDA document that provides a policy to help expand the availability and capability of medical x-ray, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging systems, and image analysis software that are used to diagnose and monitor medical conditions while mitigating circumstances that could lead to patient, healthcare provider, and healthcare technology management (HTM) exposure to COVID-19.
IDMP2020 is scheduled on 7th Nov 2020. The theme is Medical Physicist as a health professional. We encourage all to utilize this opportunity.
Finally, the International Union of Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (IUPESM) has created a survey on Gender and Work from Home during COVId-19. Please participate in this suvey>>>>>>