IOMP Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 2021

Vol.3, No. 1, February 2021
IOMP President's Message
IMPW 2021 information, IDMP 2021 theme, Council meeting, Accreditation
Compact Gantry-less Proton Therapy System to Increase the Availability to Patients
Increasing access of particle therapy to many
IOMP Webinars
List of webinars in Feb - Mar 2021
IOMP-ALFIM Webinars in Spanish language
First webinar on 26th Feb 2021
IOMP webinars during IMPW 2021 (April 26-30)
One webinar everyday at 12.00 GMT, Topics and speakers
FREE download on AAPM Report on
Report No. 235 - Report of AAPM Task Group 235 - Radiochromic Film Dosimetry: An update to TG-55 (2020)
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