3rd April 2022
Dear Council members,
IOMP is a scientific and professional organization dealing with the welfare of patients. IOMP wishes good for medical physicists throughout the world so that they can provide services to patients. While IOMP believes that it is better to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness, we get concerned when darkness is thrust upon our professional colleagues. We are saddened by the great loss of life, disruption of services, and immense suffering through the war in Ukraine. The invasion and its aftermath are likely to cause disruption of scientific work, clinical activities, and infrastructure in both Ukraine and Russia. During the past month, we have debated the issue within ExCom and have taken the following steps:
1.We contacted Association of Medical Physicists of Russia (AMPR)and asked them to join thousands of Russian scientists in deploring the war https://science.thewire.in/the-sciences/4750-russian-scientists-science-journalists-sign-open-letter-against-ukraine-war/
2.We have made our communication to AMPR publicly available on the IOMP website at https://iomp.org/ukraine-war-iomps-action/
3.We have posted the International Science Council Statement pertaining to the Ukraine war on IOMP website: https://iomp.org/international-science-council-statement-on-ukraine/
4.We have created a page on IOMP website dedicated to this issue where communication and resources from other scientific organizations are made available. https://iomp.org/iomp-ukraine/
It may be noted that in view of the sanctions imposed, we cannot accept the AMPR’s membership fee in any currency and this puts the national member organization (NMO) status of Russia in suspension.
Please watch for updates on the IOMP website and feel free to provide your comments and suggestions to us.
Kind regards
Eva Bezak