Dear Colleagues,
Congratulations to the winners of the IDMP 2023 poster contest! The poster is not only visually captivating but also effectively conveys the essence of the International Day of Medical Physics.
The above poster can be found at
Winners: Enikő Koszta and Szilvia Gazdag-Hegyesi
Center of Radiotherapy, National Institute of Oncology & Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
This year, we received approximately 30 poster submissions, and many of them were exceptionally well-done. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the participants in this competition and eagerly anticipate your participation again next year.
IOMP would like to share with you the following suggested activities as a start-up to mark this important occasion:
- To all IOMP Regional Organizations (RO) including AAPM and COPM and all Medical Physics National Member Organizations/Societies (NMOs): Please use the IDMP 2023 poster in your activities and upload it on your websites. Also, feel free to translate the poster to your language and post it online.
- To all RO and NMO Presidents: Please send us a short video (2 min) pertaining to the IDMP Theme.
- To all Medical Physicists around the world: Please share the IDMP poster on local and social media (TV, Radio, Talk shows, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok,…)and explain the role of medical physicists to the public (BE CREATIVE!).
Please send your materials and videos to Dr. Chai Hong Yeong, Chair of IOMP Medical Physics World Board (MPWB) at [email protected] to upload them on the IDMP 2023 webpage.