IOMP Webinar video online: Physics aspect of Clinical implementation of MR- Linac
IOMP School Webinars 2020
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IOMP Newsletter, Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2020 now online
IOMP Newsletter, Vol.2, No.3, June 2020
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WHO rapid advice guide on use of chest imaging in COVID-19 was published last week
Dear Colleagues, We are very happy to inform that the WHO rapid advice guide on…
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ISC Statement on combating systemic racism and other forms of discrimination
The IOMP ExCom fully supports the International Science Council’s “Statement on combating systemic racism and…
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BMPS celebrates IMPW 2020
BMPS organized an online Webinar to celebrate International Medical Physics Week (IMPW) from 13 May to…
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Medical Physics International Vol.8 No.2 now online
Med Phys Int (MPI), 2020 Vol.8 No.2 • EDITORIALS • IUPESM 40TH ANNIVERSARY • THE…
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