AFOMP Newsletter – June 2019

AFOMP Newsletter – June 2019

Table of Contents

Editor’s Speak

President’s Message
IOMP President’s
Vice President’s Message
Secretary General’s Message

Invited Articles
Medical Physics in Asia Pacific – Accelerating the Growth
IOMP Recommendation on CPD program
Medical Physics Research Opportunities in India & Beyond
Monte Carlo Based Experiments as Virtual Laboratory in Medical Physics Education
Flash Radiotherapy – Is it a magic bullet for cure cancer ?
Current Status of female medical physicists in Malaysia

Conference Reports
International Conference on Radiological Emergencies & Management
Celebration of International Day of Women and Girls in Science
Report on ESTRO with Touch of Leonardo

Upcoming Conferences & Announcements
EPSM & AOCMP – 2019
ICMP & ALFIM – 2019
IUPESM – WC on Medical Physics & Bio Medical Engineering 2021
IRPA 15 – 2020
Better Health care Technology Foundation
South Asia Centre for Medical Physics & Cancer Research

AFOMP – Officers & Counsels

CRC Press Book Review

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