Actions beyond the call of duty

Madan Rehani with entry of Prof. Perry Sprawls

Distinguished Professor Emeritus Perry Sprawls

As medical physicist Perry Sprawls approached retirement from a long Emory University career rather than transitioning to a well-earned and more leisure lifestyle he went well “beyond the call of duty” by sharing his financial and intellectual resources and extensive experience as a clinical medical physicist and educator to enhance medical physics education in virtually every country of the world. He uses personal finances to fund the Sprawls Educational Foundation, and uses it to connect with and distribute at no cost educational resources to medical physicists anywhere in the world. These resources include textbooks, online modules, and especially an extensive collection of high-quality visuals that can be used by medical physics educators/teachers to enhance their classroom and conference presentations and discussions. This effort to enhance the medical physics educational process around the world is supported by a series of authored articles available from the website on a variety of innovations and initiatives for increasing the effectiveness of medical physics education especially for clinical applications. A special effort has been to support the development of medical physics education in the LMIC with resources to enhance the effective use of the growing availability of the more modern medical imaging technology and methods.

In summary going beyond the call of duty by using extensive physical and intellectual resources developed throughout a long University career to enrich medical physics education and clinical applications around the world.

  • Exceeds the expectations of one’s job, position, or role
  • It was good but not morally required to be done

Perry Sprawls, Distinguished Emeritus Professor, Emory University and Sprawls Educational Foundation, 110 Spring View Drive, Black Mountain, NC 28711,

Email: [email protected]