Vol.1, No. 1, April 2019

IOMP President's message

Medical knowledge doubles every few months. Whereas the doubling time was estimated to be 50 years in 1950, it accelerated to 7 years in 1980, 3.5 years in 2010, and a projected 73 days by 2020.

Medical physicist: Approved as a Health Professional in Croatia

On October 31 2018, the Croatian parliament finally voted in favour of recognition of medical physics as a healthcare profession.

FREE download of IAEA publication: Medical Physics Staffing Needs in Diagnostic Imaging and Radionuclide Therapy: An Activity Based Approach
FREE download of IAEA publication: Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Uses of Ionizing Radiation

IAEA and IOMP join hands in conducting webinars

Register for webinar FREE

24th International Conference on Medical Physics (ICMP)

Santiago, Chile, 8-11 Sep 2019

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