IDMP India – AMPI Members

Category IDMP 2015
Last Date
07 11 2015
Place India

All AMPI Members

Warm Greetings!

To raise awareness about the role Medical Physicist’s play for benefit of patients in turn to our society, the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP) organizes annually the International Day of Medical Physics (IDMP) on November 7, an important date in the history of medical physics. On that day in 1867, Marie Sklodowska-Curie, known for her pioneering research on radioactivity, was born in Poland. We celebrate the 3rd IDMP on November 7, 2015. The theme of IDMP 2015 is ‘Better Medical Physics = Better Cancer Care in Radiation Oncology ’.

Wholeheartedly, the Executive Committee of AMPI decided to endorse and provide the partial financial support for celebrating IDMP by conducting scientific activities of all following AMPI Chapters;

Karnataka-AMPI Chapter (Kasturba Medical College Hospital, Mangalore)
Western-AMPI Chapter (B.Y.L.Nair Hospital Auditorium, Mumbai)
Tamilnadu-Puducherry AMPI Chapter (Anna University, Chennai)
Northern- AMPI Chapter (Delhi State Cancer Institute (DSCI), Delhi)
Andra Pradesh AMPI Chapter (KIMS Hospital,Secunderabad).

On behalf of AMPI, it is my appeal to all Medical Physicists in India to join hands with Chapter’s organizers for making it successful event throughout the country. Your support and active participation is greatly appreciated!

Also find the important scientific materials including the article on Madam Curie Contribution to Medical Physics in the new feature introduced in the AMPI website under learning recourses.

Thanking You

With Regards



Secretary, AMPI