The 56th SAAPMB Congress and School will be held from 22-26 October 2018 at the Farm Inn, Tshwane, South Africa. This year’s Congress will be hosted jointly by Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Hospital (CMJAH), the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) and Wits Donald Gordon Radiation Oncology Unit under the theme “Patient Safety and Quality”.
See you there!
The main Congress will include two and a half days of presentations by local and international authorities. The School will expand on the theme “Patient Safety and Quality”. We invite all Physicists, Radiation Protection Scientists, Radiobiologists, SAAPMB members and non-members to attend the Congress and School.
Registration for the conference is open. We encourage you to take advantage of the reduced early-registration discount of over ZAR 1000 until 31 July 2018, where after the late fee will apply. For more information and/or to register for the conference, please click on the link below:
Online Registration
Call for Abstracts
Congress abstract submissions are open.
Congress abstracts can be submitted on a wide spectrum of interest areas related to the Congress theme. Abstracts will be reviewed and confirmed as either oral presentations or poster presentations. We invite you to submit your abstract by 30 June 2018 on the following the link:
Abstract submission
Important dates
Please take note of the following important upcoming dates:
• 30 June 2018: Abstract submission closes
• 31 July 2018: Early registration closes
• 12 October 2018: Late registration closes
If you have any enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Congress and School Secretariat at +27(0)12 349 2301 or e-mail: [email protected].
We are preparing an exciting and meaning full event and look forward to welcoming you to the 56th SAAPMB Congress and School.
Kind regards,
Vincent Maselesele
Secretary General: 56th SAAPMB 2018 Congress